{"_buckets": {"deposit": "b4001deb-5a09-462c-b2ae-3f62a4a05e4a"}, "_deposit": {"id": "20531", "owners": [1], "pid": {"revision_id": 0, "type": "depid", "value": "20531"}, "status": "published"}, "_oai": {"id": "oai:jdcat.jsps.go.jp:00020531", "sets": ["1611812620518"]}, "author_link": [], "item_1551264308487": {"attribute_name": " タイトル", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255647225": "上場企業生産性長期データ2021", "subitem_1551255648112": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255647225": "Long-run Database on Japanese Listed Companies\u0027 Productivity 2021", "subitem_1551255648112": "en"}]}, "item_1551264822581": {"attribute_name": "Topic", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1592472785169": "経済状況と経済指標", "subitem_1592472785698": "ja", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDA Topic Classification", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}, {"subitem_1592472785169": "Economic conditions and indicators", "subitem_1592472785698": "en", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDA Topic Classification", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}]}, "item_1551264846237": {"attribute_name": "Desc", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255577890": "論文、深尾京司・金 榮愨・権 赫旭(2021)「長期上場企業データから見た日本経済の成長と停滞の源泉」RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 21-J-27、経済産業研究所、では、日本政策投資銀行『企業財務データバンク』の上場企業データを用いて1960年から2015年までの55年間について、ほぼ全上場企業を対象に生産性上昇(労働生産性および全要素生産性TFPで測った)の成長会計分析と生産性動学分析を行った。\n今回公開するのは、この研究で作成した上場企業生産性長期データ2021(JLCP 2021)である。1960ー2015年についてほぼ全上場企業をカバーするJLCP 2021は、TFPを計算するために必要な、総生産、中間投入、実質資本ストック、労働投入、資本投入のコストシェア(事前の資本コスト概念に基づき、利子率や資本減耗率、投資財価格等から算出している)、労働投入のコストシェア、中間投入のコストシェア、などの変数と、推計されたTFP指数を含んでいる。\nこれらの変数から、他の重要な諸変数を算出することも可能である。中間投入を中間投入のコストシェアで割れば総生産コストが得られる。総生産額を総生産コストで割って1を引けば平均マークアップ率が得られる。総生産コストに労働投入のコストシェアを掛ければ労働コストが得られる。また総生産コストから中間投入と労働コストを引けば、営業余剰(事後的な資本コスト)が得られる。\n金額は2000年価格、百万円単位である。データは非連結ベースである。各変数の算出方法については、上記論文を参照されたい。", "subitem_1551255592625": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255577890": "See Kyoji Fukao, Kim YoungGak, and Kwon Hyeog Ug (2021) \"Sources of Growth and Stagnation in the Japanese Economy: An Analysis Based on Data on Listed Firms Spanning More Than Five Decades\" (in Japanese), RIETI Discussion Paper Series, No. 21-J-027. The article presents growth accounting and an analysis of productivity dynamics (as measured by labor productivity and total factor productivity, TFP) covering almost all listed firms in Japan spanning the 55-year period from 1960 to 2015 using the Development Bank of Japan\u0027s \"Corporate Financial Databank\" on listed firms. \nThe Long-run Database on Japanese Listed Companies\u0027 Productivity 2021 (JLCP 2021) provides company-level data prepared for the above article. The database comprises, for the period from 1960 to 2015, various types of annual data necessary for estimating the total factor productivity (TFP) of almost all listed companies in Japan, including gross output, intermediate input, real capital stock, labor input, the cost share of capital input (ex ante basis, estimated from interest rates, the rate of capital depreciation, investment goods prices, etc.), the cost share of labor input, the cost share of intermediate input, as well as estimates of TFP growth rates.\nFrom the the data, it is possible to derive other important variables. Dividing intermediate input by the cost share of intermediate inputs yields total production costs. Dividing gross output by total production costs and subtracting one from the result yields the average markup rate. Multiplying total production costs by the cost share of labor input yields labor costs. Finally, subtracting intermediate input and labor costs from total production costs yields the operating surplus (ex post cost of capital).\nValues are in 2000 prices and the unit is million yen. The data are on an unconsolidated basis. For more details on the estimation procedures, see the above article.", "subitem_1551255592625": "en"}]}, "item_1551265002099": {"attribute_name": "Lang", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255818386": "jpn"}]}, "item_1570068313185": {"attribute_name": "Geo", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586419454219": "日本", "subitem_1586419462229": "ja"}, {"subitem_1586419454219": "Japan", "subitem_1586419462229": "en"}]}, "item_1586157591881": {"attribute_name": "Study ID", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586156939407": "JLCP2021", "subitem_1586311767281": "ja", "subitem_1591256665864": "IER"}, {"subitem_1586156939407": "10.50914/0002019362"}]}, "item_1586253224033": {"attribute_name": "UoA", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596608607860": "組織", "subitem_1596608609366": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596608607860": "Organization", "subitem_1596608609366": "en"}]}, "item_1586253349308": {"attribute_name": "CollM", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596610500817": "その他", "subitem_1596610501381": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596610500817": "Other", "subitem_1596610501381": "en"}]}, "item_1588254290498": {"attribute_name": "Series", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1587462181884": "JLCPデータベース", "subitem_1587462183075": "ja"}, {"subitem_1587462181884": "JLCP Database", "subitem_1587462183075": "en"}]}, "item_1588260046718": {"attribute_name": "Data K", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591178807921": "データベース", "subitem_1591178808409": "ja", "subitem_1592380784883": "Other"}, {"subitem_1591178807921": "database", "subitem_1591178808409": "en", "subitem_1592380784883": "Other"}]}, "item_1588260178185": {"attribute_name": "Access_e", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1522650717957": "ja", "subitem_1522650727486": "オープンアクセス"}, {"subitem_1522650717957": "en", "subitem_1522650727486": "open access"}]}, "item_1592405734122": {"attribute_name": "Distributor", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591320889728": "IER", "subitem_1591320890384": "Hitotsubashi University", "subitem_1591320914113": "https://www.ier.hit-u.ac.jp/Japanese/", "subitem_1591320918354": "Distributor", "subitem_1592369405220": "一橋大学経済研究所", "subitem_1592369407829": "ja"}, {"subitem_1591320889728": "IER", "subitem_1591320890384": "Hitotsubashi University", "subitem_1591320914113": "https://www.ier.hit-u.ac.jp/English/", "subitem_1591320918354": "Distributor", "subitem_1592369405220": "Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University", "subitem_1592369407829": "en"}]}, "item_1592880868902": {"attribute_name": "Bib", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586228465211": "データをご利用の際は出所として、深尾京司・金 榮愨・権 赫旭(2021)「長期上場企業データから見た日本経済の成長と停滞の源泉」RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 21-J-27、経済産業研究所、で作成されたJLCPデータベース2021を利用した旨、明記して頂くようお願いします。また、本データを利用して論文を作成・発表される場合、差し支えなければ、コピーを一部お送り下さい。お問い合わせ先:一橋大学経済研究所JIPデータベース室(e-mail:jip-info@ier.hit-u.ac.jp)", "subitem_1586228490356": "ja"}, {"subitem_1586228465211": "When using the data, please indicate clearly that you used the JLCP Database 2021 of the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, and IER, Hitotsubashi University as the source. If you wish to use the data to write or publish a paper, please send us a copy of the paper. For inquiries, please contact the JIP Database Office, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University (e-mail: jip-info@ier.hit-u.ac.jp).", "subitem_1586228490356": "en"}]}, "item_1593074267803": {"attribute_name": "Author", "attribute_type": "creator", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"creatorNames": [{"creatorName": "独立行政法人経済産業研究所", "creatorNameLang": "ja"}, {"creatorName": "The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry", "creatorNameLang": "en"}]}, {"creatorNames": [{"creatorName": "一橋大学", "creatorNameLang": "ja"}, {"creatorName": "Hitotsubashi University", "creatorNameLang": "en"}]}]}, "item_1600078832557": {"attribute_name": "ファイル情報", "attribute_type": "file", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"accessrole": "open_access", "download_preview_message": "", "file_order": 0, "filename": "", "future_date_message": "", "is_thumbnail": false, "mimetype": "", "size": 0, "url": {"label": "Stataファイル", "url": "https://d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp/record/2019362/files/productivity_data_of_japanese_listed_firms.dta"}, "version_id": ""}, {"accessrole": "open_access", "download_preview_message": "", "file_order": 1, "filename": "", "future_date_message": "", "is_thumbnail": false, "mimetype": "", "size": 0, "url": {"label": "エクセルファイル", "url": "https://d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp/record/2019362/files/productivity_data_of_japanese_listed_firms.xlsx"}, "version_id": ""}]}, "item_1602145007095": {"attribute_name": "URI", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602144759036": "https://doi.org/10.50914/0002019362"}, {"subitem_1602144759036": "https://d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp/records/2019362"}]}, "item_1602145192334": {"attribute_name": "Time P", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602144573160": "1960", "subitem_1602144587621": "start"}, {"subitem_1602144573160": "2015", "subitem_1602144587621": "end"}]}, "item_1602145817646": {"attribute_name": "Fund", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602142814330": "日本学術振興会「人文学・社会科学データインフラストラクチャー構築推進事業」", "subitem_1602142815328": "ja"}, {"subitem_1602142814330": "独立行政法人経済産業研究所「産業・企業生産性向上プログラム」", "subitem_1602142815328": "ja"}, {"subitem_1602142814330": "科学研究費助成事業(科学研究費補助金)基盤研究(S)人文社会系(社会科学)「サービス産業の生産性:決定要因と向上策」(課題番号16H06322)", "subitem_1602142815328": "ja"}, {"subitem_1602142814330": "一橋大学経済研究所", "subitem_1602142815328": "ja"}, {"subitem_1602142814330": "Japan Society for the Promotion of Science “Program for Constructing Data Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences”", "subitem_1602142815328": "en"}, {"subitem_1602142814330": "Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry “Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity Program”", "subitem_1602142815328": "en"}, {"subitem_1602142814330": "Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research (S), Humanities and Social Sciences (Social Sciences) “Service Sector Productivity in Japan: Determinants and Policies (SSPJ)” (16H06322)", "subitem_1602142815328": "en"}, {"subitem_1602142814330": "Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University", "subitem_1602142815328": "en"}]}, "item_1602145850035": {"attribute_name": "GrandID", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602142123771": "16H06322"}]}, "item_title": "Long-run Database on Japanese Listed Companies\u0027 Productivity 2021", "item_type_id": "20", "owner": "1", "path": ["1611812620518"], "permalink_uri": "https://jdcat.jsps.go.jp/records/20531", "pubdate": {"attribute_name": "PubDate", "attribute_value": "2022-12-20"}, "publish_date": "2022-12-20", "publish_status": "0", "recid": "20531", "relation": {}, "relation_version_is_last": true, "resourcetype": {"attribute_name": "ResourceType", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"resourcetype": "dataset", "resourceuri": "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_ddb1"}]}, "title": ["Long-run Database on Japanese Listed Companies\u0027 Productivity 2021"], "weko_shared_id": -1}
名前 / ファイル | ライセンス | アクション |
![]() |
![]() |
Item type | Harvesting DDI(1) | |||||||||||||
公開日 | 2022-12-20 | |||||||||||||
タイトル | ||||||||||||||
タイトル | 上場企業生産性長期データ2021 Long-run Database on Japanese Listed Companies' Productivity 2021 |
作成者 |
× 独立行政法人経済産業研究所
× 一橋大学
配布者 | 一橋大学経済研究所 | |||||||||||||
配布者URI | https://www.ier.hit-u.ac.jp/Japanese/ | |||||||||||||
配布者 | Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University | |||||||||||||
配布者URI | https://www.ier.hit-u.ac.jp/English/ | |||||||||||||
URI | https://doi.org/10.50914/0002019362 | |||||||||||||
URI | https://d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp/records/2019362 | |||||||||||||
アクセス権 | オープンアクセス open access |
概要 | 論文、深尾京司・金 榮愨・権 赫旭(2021)「長期上場企業データから見た日本経済の成長と停滞の源泉」RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 21-J-27、経済産業研究所、では、日本政策投資銀行『企業財務データバンク』の上場企業データを用いて1960年から2015年までの55年間について、ほぼ全上場企業を対象に生産性上昇(労働生産性および全要素生産性TFPで測った)の成長会計分析と生産性動学分析を行った。 今回公開するのは、この研究で作成した上場企業生産性長期データ2021(JLCP 2021)である。1960ー2015年についてほぼ全上場企業をカバーするJLCP 2021は、TFPを計算するために必要な、総生産、中間投入、実質資本ストック、労働投入、資本投入のコストシェア(事前の資本コスト概念に基づき、利子率や資本減耗率、投資財価格等から算出している)、労働投入のコストシェア、中間投入のコストシェア、などの変数と、推計されたTFP指数を含んでいる。 これらの変数から、他の重要な諸変数を算出することも可能である。中間投入を中間投入のコストシェアで割れば総生産コストが得られる。総生産額を総生産コストで割って1を引けば平均マークアップ率が得られる。総生産コストに労働投入のコストシェアを掛ければ労働コストが得られる。また総生産コストから中間投入と労働コストを引けば、営業余剰(事後的な資本コスト)が得られる。 金額は2000年価格、百万円単位である。データは非連結ベースである。各変数の算出方法については、上記論文を参照されたい。 See Kyoji Fukao, Kim YoungGak, and Kwon Hyeog Ug (2021) "Sources of Growth and Stagnation in the Japanese Economy: An Analysis Based on Data on Listed Firms Spanning More Than Five Decades" (in Japanese), RIETI Discussion Paper Series, No. 21-J-027. The article presents growth accounting and an analysis of productivity dynamics (as measured by labor productivity and total factor productivity, TFP) covering almost all listed firms in Japan spanning the 55-year period from 1960 to 2015 using the Development Bank of Japan's "Corporate Financial Databank" on listed firms. The Long-run Database on Japanese Listed Companies' Productivity 2021 (JLCP 2021) provides company-level data prepared for the above article. The database comprises, for the period from 1960 to 2015, various types of annual data necessary for estimating the total factor productivity (TFP) of almost all listed companies in Japan, including gross output, intermediate input, real capital stock, labor input, the cost share of capital input (ex ante basis, estimated from interest rates, the rate of capital depreciation, investment goods prices, etc.), the cost share of labor input, the cost share of intermediate input, as well as estimates of TFP growth rates. From the the data, it is possible to derive other important variables. Dividing intermediate input by the cost share of intermediate inputs yields total production costs. Dividing gross output by total production costs and subtracting one from the result yields the average markup rate. Multiplying total production costs by the cost share of labor input yields labor costs. Finally, subtracting intermediate input and labor costs from total production costs yields the operating surplus (ex post cost of capital). Values are in 2000 prices and the unit is million yen. The data are on an unconsolidated basis. For more details on the estimation procedures, see the above article. |
対象時期 | 1960 - 2015 | |||||||||||||
観察単位 | 組織 Organization |
調査方法 | その他 Other |
データタイプ | データベース database |
データの言語 | jpn | |||||||||||||
整理番号 | JLCP2021 | |||||||||||||
ID付与機関 | IER | |||||||||||||
整理番号 | 10.50914/0002019362 | |||||||||||||
引用上の注意 | データをご利用の際は出所として、深尾京司・金 榮愨・権 赫旭(2021)「長期上場企業データから見た日本経済の成長と停滞の源泉」RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 21-J-27、経済産業研究所、で作成されたJLCPデータベース2021を利用した旨、明記して頂くようお願いします。また、本データを利用して論文を作成・発表される場合、差し支えなければ、コピーを一部お送り下さい。お問い合わせ先:一橋大学経済研究所JIPデータベース室(e-mail:jip-info@ier.hit-u.ac.jp) | |||||||||||||
引用上の注意 | When using the data, please indicate clearly that you used the JLCP Database 2021 of the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, and IER, Hitotsubashi University as the source. If you wish to use the data to write or publish a paper, please send us a copy of the paper. For inquiries, please contact the JIP Database Office, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University (e-mail: jip-info@ier.hit-u.ac.jp). | |||||||||||||
シリーズ | JLCPデータベース JLCP Database |
研究助成機関 | 日本学術振興会「人文学・社会科学データインフラストラクチャー構築推進事業」, 独立行政法人経済産業研究所「産業・企業生産性向上プログラム」, 科学研究費助成事業(科学研究費補助金)基盤研究(S)人文社会系(社会科学)「サービス産業の生産性:決定要因と向上策」(課題番号16H06322), 一橋大学経済研究所 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science “Program for Constructing Data Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences”, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry “Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity Program”, Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research (S), Humanities and Social Sciences (Social Sciences) “Service Sector Productivity in Japan: Determinants and Policies (SSPJ)” (16H06322), Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University |
研究費番号 | 16H06322 | |||||||||||||
対象地域 | 日本 Japan |
トピック | 経済状況と経済指標 Economic conditions and indicators |