{"_buckets": {"deposit": "a909e1f1-8a2e-4654-bf0e-27c3eb31abbe"}, "_deposit": {"id": "27365", "owners": [1], "pid": {"revision_id": 0, "type": "depid", "value": "27365"}, "status": "published"}, "_oai": {"id": "oai:jdcat.jsps.go.jp:00027365", "sets": ["1613031614318"]}, "author_link": [], "item_1551264308487": {"attribute_name": " タイトル", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255647225": "ソーシャル・ネットワークと投票行動調査,1993", "subitem_1551255648112": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255647225": "Social Networks and Voting Behavior, 1993", "subitem_1551255648112": "en"}]}, "item_1551264629907": {"attribute_name": "Lisence", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602213569986": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access/condition/", "subitem_1602213570623": "ja"}, {"subitem_1602213569986": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/access/condition/", "subitem_1602213570623": "en"}]}, "item_1551264822581": {"attribute_name": "Topic", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1592472785169": "選挙", "subitem_1592472785698": "ja", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDATopic", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}, {"subitem_1592472785169": "社会行動と社会的態度", "subitem_1592472785698": "ja", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDATopic", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}, {"subitem_1592472785169": "Elections", "subitem_1592472785698": "en", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDATopic", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}, {"subitem_1592472785169": "Social behaviour and attitudes", "subitem_1592472785698": "en", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDATopic", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}]}, "item_1551264846237": {"attribute_name": "Desc", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255577890": "今日のマルチメディア時代のメディアの動向と,ソーシャル・ネットワークの変質という傾向は,人々の意識と行動を規定する重要な媒介変数であり,両者をあわせたものを「インターメディアリー(Intermediary)」と呼ぶ。現行のミシガン学派の心理学的媒介変数偏重の投票行動研究から脱して,より「政治文化論」的アプローチ,即ちより社会学的媒介変数を重視する流れが現われ,「投票行動の国際比較研究」(Cross-National Election Project, CNEP)が1987年よりスタートした。これは10余年掛かりの大プロジェクトで,その骨子は,①日米英独,4カ国の投票行動を,同じ理論枠組み,同じ調査票で,測定,比較する,②比較のための理論的枠組みとして「インターメディアリー」の理論を置く,③参加国のメンバー同士で徹底的に討論を重ね,出来うる限り厳密な比較を目指す,というものである。本調査は,それに基づくCNEP日本調査であり,3つの調査よりなる。徳島市長選挙調査と千葉県知事選挙調査の2つの予備的調査及び衆議院議員選挙の全国調査からなる。3つの調査は基本的には同じ調査票,ほぼ同じ方法で行われているが,徳島調査と千葉調査では,配偶者に対しても同様の調査を実施している。", "subitem_1551255592625": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255577890": "Today\u0027s media trends in a multi-media age and changes in social networks--called \"intermediary\" when combined--constitute crucial parameters regulating people\u0027s consciousness and behavior. The Cross-National Election Project (CNEP) began in 1987 with the emergence of the political culture approach to the study of voting behavior--a new current emphasizing sociological intervening variables as opposed to the conventional Michigan School approach emphasizing psychological ones. The project is large on scale and encompasses more than a decade in duration. Its essential features lie in (1) the measurement and comparison of voting behavior in Japan, the United States, Britain, and Germany by using a common questionnaire as well as a common theoretical framework; (2) the adoption of the \"intermediary\" theory as the common theoretical framework; and (3) the through discussion among the project members from the four countries in an effort to bring about the closest comparison possible. This Japanese survey project, a part of the broader cross-national project, consists of three surveys: a Tokushima City\u0027s mayoral election survey, a Chiba Prefecture\u0027s gubernatorial election survey, and a national survey of a House of Representatives election. The first two are preliminary. The three surveys used a common questionnaire and more or less the same methods. For the locals ones, however, the questionnaire was also applied to the respondents\u0027 spouses.", "subitem_1551255592625": "en"}]}, "item_1551264917614": {"attribute_name": "publisher", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255702686": "SSJデータアーカイブ", "subitem_1551255710277": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255702686": "SSJDA", "subitem_1551255710277": "en"}]}, "item_1551265002099": {"attribute_name": "Lang", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255818386": "jpn"}]}, "item_1551265075370": {"attribute_name": "Version", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591254914934": "1", "subitem_1591254915406": "ja", "subitem_1591254915862": "2000-04-26"}]}, "item_1570068313185": {"attribute_name": "Geo", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586419454219": "千葉県", "subitem_1586419462229": "ja"}, {"subitem_1586419454219": "chiba", "subitem_1586419462229": "en"}]}, "item_1586157591881": {"attribute_name": "Study ID", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586156939407": "0145", "subitem_1586311767281": "ja", "subitem_1591256665864": "SSJデータアーカイブ"}, {"subitem_1586156939407": "10.34500/SSJDA.0145", "subitem_1586311767281": "ja", "subitem_1591256665864": "DOI"}, {"subitem_1586156939407": "0145", "subitem_1586311767281": "en", "subitem_1591256665864": "SSJDA"}]}, "item_1586253152753": {"attribute_name": "Date of C", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602144573160": "1993-07-15", "subitem_1602144578572": "ja", "subitem_1602144587621": "start"}, {"subitem_1602144573160": "1993-07-17", "subitem_1602144578572": "ja", "subitem_1602144587621": "end"}]}, "item_1586253224033": {"attribute_name": "UoA", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596608607860": "個人", "subitem_1596608609366": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596608607860": "Individual", "subitem_1596608609366": "en"}]}, "item_1586253249552": {"attribute_name": "Universe", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596608974429": "[全国調査]20歳以上の成人男女個人\n[徳島調査][千葉調査]20歳以上の成人男女個人とその配偶者", "subitem_1596608975087": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596608974429": "[Nationwide Survey]\n Men and women 20 years of age and over.\n [Tokushima and Chiba Surveys]\n Men and women 20 years of age and over, and their spouses.", "subitem_1596608975087": "en"}]}, "item_1586253334588": {"attribute_name": "Sampling P", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596609826487": "確率: 単純無作為抽出", "subitem_1596609827068": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596609826487": "Probability: Simple random", "subitem_1596609827068": "en"}]}, "item_1586253589529": {"attribute_name": "Sampling R", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596609826487": "[全国調査]有効票数1,333人\n[徳島調査]サンプル数800人,有効票数578人(回収率72.3%);配偶者票サンプル数456人,有効票数362人(回収率79.4%)\n[千葉調査]サンプル数800人,有効票数537人(回収率67.1%);配偶者票サンプル数442人,有効票数320人(回収率72.4%)", "subitem_1596609827068": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596609826487": "[National Survey]\n 1,333 returned valid responses.\n [Tokushima Survey]\n A sample of 800, of whom 578 (72.3%) returned valid responses. A sample of 456 spouses, of whom 362 (67.1%) did the same.\n [Chiba Survey]\n A sample of 800, of whom 537 (67.1%) returned valid responses. A sample of 456 spouses, of whom 320 (72.4%) did the same.", "subitem_1596609827068": "en"}]}, "item_1588260046718": {"attribute_name": "Data K", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591178807921": "量的調査: ミクロデータ", "subitem_1591178808409": "ja", "subitem_1592380784883": "Other"}, {"subitem_1591178807921": "quantitative research: micro data", "subitem_1591178808409": "en", "subitem_1592380784883": "Other"}]}, "item_1588260178185": {"attribute_name": "Access_e", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1522650717957": "ja", "subitem_1522650727486": "制約付きアクセス"}, {"subitem_1522650717957": "en", "subitem_1522650727486": "restricted access"}]}, "item_1592405734122": {"attribute_name": "Distributor", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591320889728": "SSJDA", "subitem_1591320890384": "Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo", "subitem_1591320914113": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ssjda/", "subitem_1591320918354": "Distributor", "subitem_1592369405220": "SSJ データアーカイブ", "subitem_1592369407829": "ja"}, {"subitem_1591320889728": "SSJDA", "subitem_1591320890384": "Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo", "subitem_1591320914113": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/ssjda/", "subitem_1591320918354": "Distributor", "subitem_1592369405220": "SSJDA", "subitem_1592369407829": "en"}]}, "item_1592405735401": {"attribute_name": "Related P", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602214559588": "ja", "subitem_1602214560358": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=jpn\u0026eid=0145"}, {"subitem_1602214559588": "en", "subitem_1602214560358": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=eng\u0026eid=0145"}]}, "item_1592880868902": {"attribute_name": "Bib", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586228465211": "〔二次分析〕に当たり、東京大学社会科学研究所附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センターSSJデータアーカイブから〔「ソーシャル・ネットワークと投票行動調査,1993」(CNEP日本チーム)〕の個票データの提供を受けました。The data for this secondary analysis, \"Social Networks and Voting Behavior, 1993 of the survey, The Comparative National Elections Project (CNEP) Japanese Team of the depositor,\" was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives,Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo.", "subitem_1586228490356": "ja"}, {"subitem_1586228465211": "When publishing the results of the secondary analysis of SSJDA dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by citing as follows: The data for this secondary analysis, \"Social Networks and Voting Behavior, 1993 of the survey, The Comparative National Elections Project (CNEP) Japanese Team of the depositor,\" was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo.Note: When publishing the results of the analysis of JGSS dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by copying and pasting the citation found in the \"Readme\" file included with my dataset(s).", "subitem_1586228490356": "en"}]}, "item_1593074267803": {"attribute_name": "Author", "attribute_type": "creator", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"creatorNames": [{"creatorName": "CNEP日本チーム(飽戸弘,他10名)", "creatorNameLang": "ja"}, {"creatorName": "CNEP Japanese Team (Hiroshi AKUTO and 10 others)", "creatorNameLang": "en"}]}]}, "item_1600078832557": {"attribute_name": "ファイル情報", "attribute_type": "file", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"accessrole": "open_access", "download_preview_message": "", "file_order": 0, "filename": "", "future_date_message": "", "is_thumbnail": false, "mimetype": "", "size": 0, "url": {"label": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?eid=0145"}, "version_id": ""}, {"accessrole": "open_access", "download_preview_message": "", "file_order": 1, "filename": "", "future_date_message": "", "is_thumbnail": false, "mimetype": "", "size": 0, "url": {"label": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?lang=eng\u0026eid=0145"}, "version_id": ""}]}, "item_1602145007095": {"attribute_name": "URI", 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Item type | Harvesting DDI(1) | |||||||||
公開日 | 2024-10-18 | |||||||||
タイトル | ||||||||||
タイトル | ソーシャル・ネットワークと投票行動調査,1993 Social Networks and Voting Behavior, 1993 |
作成者 |
× CNEP日本チーム(飽戸弘,他10名)
配布者 | SSJ データアーカイブ | |||||||||
配布者URI | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ssjda/ | |||||||||
配布者 | SSJDA | |||||||||
配布者URI | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/ssjda/ | |||||||||
編集者 | SSJデータアーカイブ SSJDA |
所蔵者・寄託者 | CNEP日本チーム The Comparative National Elections Project (CNEP) Japanese Team |
URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?eid=0145 | |||||||||
URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?lang=eng&eid=0145 | |||||||||
アクセス権 | 制約付きアクセス restricted access |
権利情報 | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access/condition/ | |||||||||
権利情報 | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/access/condition/ | |||||||||
概要 | 今日のマルチメディア時代のメディアの動向と,ソーシャル・ネットワークの変質という傾向は,人々の意識と行動を規定する重要な媒介変数であり,両者をあわせたものを「インターメディアリー(Intermediary)」と呼ぶ。現行のミシガン学派の心理学的媒介変数偏重の投票行動研究から脱して,より「政治文化論」的アプローチ,即ちより社会学的媒介変数を重視する流れが現われ,「投票行動の国際比較研究」(Cross-National Election Project, CNEP)が1987年よりスタートした。これは10余年掛かりの大プロジェクトで,その骨子は,①日米英独,4カ国の投票行動を,同じ理論枠組み,同じ調査票で,測定,比較する,②比較のための理論的枠組みとして「インターメディアリー」の理論を置く,③参加国のメンバー同士で徹底的に討論を重ね,出来うる限り厳密な比較を目指す,というものである。本調査は,それに基づくCNEP日本調査であり,3つの調査よりなる。徳島市長選挙調査と千葉県知事選挙調査の2つの予備的調査及び衆議院議員選挙の全国調査からなる。3つの調査は基本的には同じ調査票,ほぼ同じ方法で行われているが,徳島調査と千葉調査では,配偶者に対しても同様の調査を実施している。 Today's media trends in a multi-media age and changes in social networks--called "intermediary" when combined--constitute crucial parameters regulating people's consciousness and behavior. The Cross-National Election Project (CNEP) began in 1987 with the emergence of the political culture approach to the study of voting behavior--a new current emphasizing sociological intervening variables as opposed to the conventional Michigan School approach emphasizing psychological ones. The project is large on scale and encompasses more than a decade in duration. Its essential features lie in (1) the measurement and comparison of voting behavior in Japan, the United States, Britain, and Germany by using a common questionnaire as well as a common theoretical framework; (2) the adoption of the "intermediary" theory as the common theoretical framework; and (3) the through discussion among the project members from the four countries in an effort to bring about the closest comparison possible. This Japanese survey project, a part of the broader cross-national project, consists of three surveys: a Tokushima City's mayoral election survey, a Chiba Prefecture's gubernatorial election survey, and a national survey of a House of Representatives election. The first two are preliminary. The three surveys used a common questionnaire and more or less the same methods. For the locals ones, however, the questionnaire was also applied to the respondents' spouses. |
対象時期 | 1993 - 1993 | |||||||||
調査日 | 1993/07/15 - 1993/07/17 | |||||||||
母集団 | [全国調査]20歳以上の成人男女個人 [徳島調査][千葉調査]20歳以上の成人男女個人とその配偶者 [Nationwide Survey] Men and women 20 years of age and over. [Tokushima and Chiba Surveys] Men and women 20 years of age and over, and their spouses. |
観察単位 | 個人 Individual |
サンプリング方法 | 確率: 単純無作為抽出 Probability: Simple random |
回収率 | [全国調査]有効票数1,333人 [徳島調査]サンプル数800人,有効票数578人(回収率72.3%);配偶者票サンプル数456人,有効票数362人(回収率79.4%) [千葉調査]サンプル数800人,有効票数537人(回収率67.1%);配偶者票サンプル数442人,有効票数320人(回収率72.4%) [National Survey] 1,333 returned valid responses. [Tokushima Survey] A sample of 800, of whom 578 (72.3%) returned valid responses. A sample of 456 spouses, of whom 362 (67.1%) did the same. [Chiba Survey] A sample of 800, of whom 537 (67.1%) returned valid responses. A sample of 456 spouses, of whom 320 (72.4%) did the same. |
データタイプ | 量的調査: ミクロデータ quantitative research: micro data |
データの言語 | jpn | |||||||||
バージョン情報 | 1 | |||||||||
バージョン情報更新日 | 2000-04-26 | |||||||||
整理番号 | 0145 | |||||||||
ID付与機関 | SSJデータアーカイブ | |||||||||
整理番号 | 10.34500/SSJDA.0145 | |||||||||
ID付与機関 | DOI | |||||||||
整理番号 | 0145 | |||||||||
ID付与機関 | SSJDA | |||||||||
引用上の注意 | 〔二次分析〕に当たり、東京大学社会科学研究所附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センターSSJデータアーカイブから〔「ソーシャル・ネットワークと投票行動調査,1993」(CNEP日本チーム)〕の個票データの提供を受けました。The data for this secondary analysis, "Social Networks and Voting Behavior, 1993 of the survey, The Comparative National Elections Project (CNEP) Japanese Team of the depositor," was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives,Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo. | |||||||||
引用上の注意 | When publishing the results of the secondary analysis of SSJDA dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by citing as follows: The data for this secondary analysis, "Social Networks and Voting Behavior, 1993 of the survey, The Comparative National Elections Project (CNEP) Japanese Team of the depositor," was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo.Note: When publishing the results of the analysis of JGSS dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by copying and pasting the citation found in the "Readme" file included with my dataset(s). | |||||||||
関連文献URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=jpn&eid=0145 | |||||||||
関連文献URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=eng&eid=0145 | |||||||||
対象地域 | 千葉県 chiba |
トピック | 選挙, 社会行動と社会的態度 Elections, Social behaviour and attitudes |