{"_buckets": {"deposit": "aa6e8fed-f027-47ff-91aa-b6d14fdbbbb3"}, "_deposit": {"id": "43781", "owners": [1], "pid": {"revision_id": 0, "type": "depid", "value": "43781"}, "status": "published"}, "_oai": {"id": "oai:jdcat.jsps.go.jp:00043781", "sets": ["1613031614318"]}, "author_link": [], "item_1551264308487": {"attribute_name": " タイトル", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255647225": "生活設計と金融・保険に関する調査 VOL.1,2001(I.生活設計における住宅取得の位置づけ,II.金融資産選択行動と生活保障意識)", "subitem_1551255648112": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255647225": "Survey on Life Planning and Finance/Insurance Vol. 1, 2001 (I. Positioning of Own-house Acquisition in Life Planning; II. Selection of Financial Assets and Attitudes toward Social Security)", "subitem_1551255648112": "en"}]}, "item_1551264629907": {"attribute_name": "Lisence", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602213569986": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access/condition/", "subitem_1602213570623": "ja"}, {"subitem_1602213569986": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/access/condition/", "subitem_1602213570623": "en"}]}, "item_1551264822581": {"attribute_name": "Topic", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1592472785169": "消費と消費者行動", "subitem_1592472785698": "ja", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDATopic", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}, {"subitem_1592472785169": "所得、財産、投資・貯蓄", "subitem_1592472785698": "ja", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDATopic", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}, {"subitem_1592472785169": "Consumption and consumer behaviour", "subitem_1592472785698": "en", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDATopic", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}, {"subitem_1592472785169": "Income, property and investment/saving", "subitem_1592472785698": "en", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDATopic", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}]}, "item_1551264846237": {"attribute_name": "Desc", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255577890": "本調査は,以下の3点を目的として行われたものである。\n(1)生活設計における住宅取得の位置づけ\n 1980年代後半,首都圏を中心とした地価高騰によって住宅価格は大幅に上昇,その後バブル崩壊により大きく下落している。住宅価格の高騰と下落は,生活者の家計や生活,住宅取得に対する意識などに少なからぬ影響をもたらしたと思われる。本調査は,住宅に関する意識や行動,家計や消費・投資に関する意識や行動を捉えることにより,生活設計における住宅取得の位置づけや住宅と消費・投資行動の関連性について明らかにする。\n\n(2)金融資産選択\n 日本の金融は,いま大きな変革期にある。金融を巡る環境が厳しさを増すなかで,銀行・証券・保険など既存の金融業態の垣根を超えたグローバルな競争が激化している。こうした変化の中で,生活者の金融資産選択意識・行動も大きく変化していく可能性が高い。人々の金融資産の保有状況や金融商品に対する選好を捉えることにより,金融資産選択意識・行動を明らかにする。\n\n(3)生活保障意識\n 高齢化の進展や財政難などを背景に,日本の社会保障や生活保障を巡る環境も大きく変化しつつある。こうしたなか,人々は生活保障に対する自助努力と社会的支援についてどのような意識を持っているかを明らかにする。", "subitem_1551255592625": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255577890": "This survey was conducted for the following three purposes:\n(1) Positioning of housing acquisition in life planning\nIn the latter half of the 1980s, housing prices rose sharply due to soaring land prices mainly in the Greater Tokyo area and then fell sharply due to the bursting of the bubble economy. The fluctuation in housing prices is thought to have had a considerable impact on consumers\u0027 household budgets, lifestyles, and attitudes to housing acquisition. This survey clarifies the position of housing acquisition in life planning and the relationship between housing and consumption and investment behavior by capturing attitudes and behavior regarding housing, as well as attitudes and behavior regarding household finances and consumption and investment.\n\n(2) Selection of financial assets\nJapanese finance is in a period of great change. As the financial environment becomes more severe, global competition that transcends the boundaries of existing financial formats, such as banks, securities, and insurance, is intensifying. In the midst of these changes, it is highly likely that consumers\u0027 awareness of and behavior regarding choosing financial assets will change significantly. The survey seeks to clarify the consciousness and behavior of financial asset selection by understanding people\u0027s financial asset holdings and their preferences for financial products.\n\n(3) Life protection awareness\nThe environment surrounding Japan\u0027s social security and life protection is undergoing major changes against the backdrop of an aging population and financial difficulties. Under these circumstances, we will clarify what kind of awareness people have about self-help efforts and social support for life protection.", "subitem_1551255592625": "en"}]}, "item_1551264917614": {"attribute_name": "publisher", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255702686": "SSJデータアーカイブ", "subitem_1551255710277": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255702686": "SSJDA", "subitem_1551255710277": "en"}]}, "item_1551265002099": {"attribute_name": "Lang", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255818386": "jpn"}]}, "item_1551265075370": {"attribute_name": "Version", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591254914934": "1", "subitem_1591254915406": "ja", "subitem_1591254915862": "2003-02-14"}]}, "item_1570068313185": {"attribute_name": "Geo", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586419454219": "埼玉県", "subitem_1586419462229": "ja"}, {"subitem_1586419454219": "千葉県", "subitem_1586419462229": "ja"}, {"subitem_1586419454219": "東京都", "subitem_1586419462229": "ja"}, {"subitem_1586419454219": "神奈川県", "subitem_1586419462229": "ja"}, {"subitem_1586419454219": "aitama", "subitem_1586419462229": "en"}, {"subitem_1586419454219": "chiba", "subitem_1586419462229": "en"}, {"subitem_1586419454219": "okyo", "subitem_1586419462229": "en"}, {"subitem_1586419454219": "kanagawa", "subitem_1586419462229": "en"}]}, "item_1586157591881": {"attribute_name": "Study ID", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586156939407": "0263", "subitem_1586311767281": "ja", "subitem_1591256665864": "SSJデータアーカイブ"}, {"subitem_1586156939407": "10.34500/SSJDA.0263", "subitem_1586311767281": "ja", "subitem_1591256665864": "DOI"}, {"subitem_1586156939407": "0263", "subitem_1586311767281": "en", "subitem_1591256665864": "SSJDA"}]}, "item_1586253152753": {"attribute_name": "Date of C", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602144573160": "2001-06-14", "subitem_1602144578572": "ja", "subitem_1602144587621": "start"}, {"subitem_1602144573160": "2001-06-26", "subitem_1602144578572": "ja", "subitem_1602144587621": "end"}]}, "item_1586253224033": {"attribute_name": "UoA", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596608607860": "個人", "subitem_1596608609366": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596608607860": "Individual", "subitem_1596608609366": "en"}]}, "item_1586253249552": {"attribute_name": "Universe", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596608974429": "満20~59歳の男女個人", "subitem_1596608975087": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596608974429": "Individual men and women between the ages of 20 and 59", "subitem_1596608975087": "en"}]}, "item_1586253589529": {"attribute_name": "Sampling R", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596609826487": "サンプル数 1,000人,有効回収数 831人", "subitem_1596609827068": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596609826487": "Sample size: 1,000, number of valid responses: 831", "subitem_1596609827068": "en"}]}, "item_1588260046718": {"attribute_name": "Data K", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591178807921": "量的調査: ミクロデータ", "subitem_1591178808409": "ja", "subitem_1592380784883": "Other"}, {"subitem_1591178807921": "quantitative research: micro data", "subitem_1591178808409": "en", "subitem_1592380784883": "Other"}]}, "item_1588260178185": {"attribute_name": "Access_e", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1522650717957": "ja", "subitem_1522650727486": "制約付きアクセス"}, {"subitem_1522650717957": "en", "subitem_1522650727486": "restricted access"}]}, "item_1592405734122": {"attribute_name": "Distributor", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591320889728": "SSJDA", "subitem_1591320890384": "Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo", "subitem_1591320914113": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ssjda/", "subitem_1591320918354": "Distributor", "subitem_1592369405220": "SSJ データアーカイブ", "subitem_1592369407829": "ja"}, {"subitem_1591320889728": "SSJDA", "subitem_1591320890384": "Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo", "subitem_1591320914113": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/ssjda/", "subitem_1591320918354": "Distributor", "subitem_1592369405220": "SSJDA", "subitem_1592369407829": "en"}]}, "item_1592405735401": {"attribute_name": "Related P", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602214559588": "ja", "subitem_1602214560358": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=jpn\u0026eid=0263"}, {"subitem_1602214559588": "en", "subitem_1602214560358": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=eng\u0026eid=0263"}]}, "item_1592880868902": {"attribute_name": "Bib", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586228465211": "〔二次分析〕に当たり、東京大学社会科学研究所附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センターSSJデータアーカイブから〔「生活設計と金融・保険に関する調査 VOL.1,2001(I.生活設計における住宅取得の位置づけ,II.金融資産選択行動と生活保障意識)」(生命保険文化センター)〕の個票データの提供を受けました。The data for this secondary analysis, \"Survey on Life Planning and Finance/Insurance Vol. 1, 2001 (I. Positioning of Own-house Acquisition in Life Planning; II. Selection of Financial Assets and Attitudes toward Social Security) of the survey, Japan Institute of Life Insurance of the depositor,\" was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives,Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo.", "subitem_1586228490356": "ja"}, {"subitem_1586228465211": "When publishing the results of the secondary analysis of SSJDA dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by citing as follows: The data for this secondary analysis, \"Survey on Life Planning and Finance/Insurance Vol. 1, 2001 (I. Positioning of Own-house Acquisition in Life Planning; II. Selection of Financial Assets and Attitudes toward Social Security) of the survey, Japan Institute of Life Insurance of the depositor,\" was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo.Note: When publishing the results of the analysis of JGSS dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by copying and pasting the citation found in the \"Readme\" file included with my dataset(s).", "subitem_1586228490356": "en"}]}, "item_1593074267803": {"attribute_name": "Author", "attribute_type": "creator", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"creatorNames": [{"creatorName": "生命保険文化センター,実地調査は(株)インテージ", "creatorNameLang": "ja"}, {"creatorName": "Japan Institute of Life Insurance, survey carried out by INTAGE Inc.", "creatorNameLang": "en"}]}]}, "item_1600078832557": {"attribute_name": "ファイル情報", "attribute_type": "file", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"accessrole": "open_access", "download_preview_message": "", "file_order": 0, "filename": "", "future_date_message": "", "is_thumbnail": false, "mimetype": "", "size": 0, "url": {"label": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?eid=0263"}, "version_id": ""}, {"accessrole": "open_access", "download_preview_message": "", "file_order": 1, "filename": "", "future_date_message": "", "is_thumbnail": false, "mimetype": "", "size": 0, "url": {"label": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?lang=eng\u0026eid=0263"}, "version_id": ""}]}, "item_1602145007095": {"attribute_name": "URI", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602144759036": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?eid=0263"}, {"subitem_1602144759036": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?lang=eng\u0026eid=0263"}]}, "item_1602145192334": {"attribute_name": "Time P", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602144573160": "2001", "subitem_1602144578572": "ja", "subitem_1602144587621": "start"}, {"subitem_1602144573160": "2001", "subitem_1602144578572": "ja", "subitem_1602144587621": "end"}]}, "item_1602145817646": {"attribute_name": "Fund", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602142815328": "ja"}]}, "item_1602147887655": {"attribute_name": "provider", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602143328410": "生命保険文化センター", "subitem_1602143330068": "ja"}, {"subitem_1602143328410": "Japan Institute of Life Insurance", "subitem_1602143330068": "en"}]}, "item_title": "Survey on Life Planning and Finance/Insurance Vol. 1, 2001 (I. 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生活設計と金融・保険に関する調査 VOL.1,2001(I.生活設計における住宅取得の位置づけ,II.金融資産選択行動と生活保障意識)
Item type | Harvesting DDI(1) | |||||||||
公開日 | 2024-12-30 | |||||||||
タイトル | ||||||||||
タイトル | 生活設計と金融・保険に関する調査 VOL.1,2001(I.生活設計における住宅取得の位置づけ,II.金融資産選択行動と生活保障意識) Survey on Life Planning and Finance/Insurance Vol. 1, 2001 (I. Positioning of Own-house Acquisition in Life Planning; II. Selection of Financial Assets and Attitudes toward Social Security) |
作成者 |
× 生命保険文化センター,実地調査は(株)インテージ
配布者 | SSJ データアーカイブ | |||||||||
配布者URI | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ssjda/ | |||||||||
配布者 | SSJDA | |||||||||
配布者URI | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/ssjda/ | |||||||||
編集者 | SSJデータアーカイブ SSJDA |
所蔵者・寄託者 | 生命保険文化センター Japan Institute of Life Insurance |
URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?eid=0263 | |||||||||
URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?lang=eng&eid=0263 | |||||||||
アクセス権 | 制約付きアクセス restricted access |
権利情報 | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access/condition/ | |||||||||
権利情報 | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/access/condition/ | |||||||||
概要 | 本調査は,以下の3点を目的として行われたものである。 (1)生活設計における住宅取得の位置づけ 1980年代後半,首都圏を中心とした地価高騰によって住宅価格は大幅に上昇,その後バブル崩壊により大きく下落している。住宅価格の高騰と下落は,生活者の家計や生活,住宅取得に対する意識などに少なからぬ影響をもたらしたと思われる。本調査は,住宅に関する意識や行動,家計や消費・投資に関する意識や行動を捉えることにより,生活設計における住宅取得の位置づけや住宅と消費・投資行動の関連性について明らかにする。 (2)金融資産選択 日本の金融は,いま大きな変革期にある。金融を巡る環境が厳しさを増すなかで,銀行・証券・保険など既存の金融業態の垣根を超えたグローバルな競争が激化している。こうした変化の中で,生活者の金融資産選択意識・行動も大きく変化していく可能性が高い。人々の金融資産の保有状況や金融商品に対する選好を捉えることにより,金融資産選択意識・行動を明らかにする。 (3)生活保障意識 高齢化の進展や財政難などを背景に,日本の社会保障や生活保障を巡る環境も大きく変化しつつある。こうしたなか,人々は生活保障に対する自助努力と社会的支援についてどのような意識を持っているかを明らかにする。 This survey was conducted for the following three purposes: (1) Positioning of housing acquisition in life planning In the latter half of the 1980s, housing prices rose sharply due to soaring land prices mainly in the Greater Tokyo area and then fell sharply due to the bursting of the bubble economy. The fluctuation in housing prices is thought to have had a considerable impact on consumers' household budgets, lifestyles, and attitudes to housing acquisition. This survey clarifies the position of housing acquisition in life planning and the relationship between housing and consumption and investment behavior by capturing attitudes and behavior regarding housing, as well as attitudes and behavior regarding household finances and consumption and investment. (2) Selection of financial assets Japanese finance is in a period of great change. As the financial environment becomes more severe, global competition that transcends the boundaries of existing financial formats, such as banks, securities, and insurance, is intensifying. In the midst of these changes, it is highly likely that consumers' awareness of and behavior regarding choosing financial assets will change significantly. The survey seeks to clarify the consciousness and behavior of financial asset selection by understanding people's financial asset holdings and their preferences for financial products. (3) Life protection awareness The environment surrounding Japan's social security and life protection is undergoing major changes against the backdrop of an aging population and financial difficulties. Under these circumstances, we will clarify what kind of awareness people have about self-help efforts and social support for life protection. |
対象時期 | 2001 - 2001 | |||||||||
調査日 | 2001/06/14 - 2001/06/26 | |||||||||
母集団 | 満20~59歳の男女個人 Individual men and women between the ages of 20 and 59 |
観察単位 | 個人 Individual |
回収率 | サンプル数 1,000人,有効回収数 831人 Sample size: 1,000, number of valid responses: 831 |
データタイプ | 量的調査: ミクロデータ quantitative research: micro data |
データの言語 | jpn | |||||||||
バージョン情報 | 1 | |||||||||
バージョン情報更新日 | 2003-02-14 | |||||||||
整理番号 | 0263 | |||||||||
ID付与機関 | SSJデータアーカイブ | |||||||||
整理番号 | 10.34500/SSJDA.0263 | |||||||||
ID付与機関 | DOI | |||||||||
整理番号 | 0263 | |||||||||
ID付与機関 | SSJDA | |||||||||
引用上の注意 | 〔二次分析〕に当たり、東京大学社会科学研究所附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センターSSJデータアーカイブから〔「生活設計と金融・保険に関する調査 VOL.1,2001(I.生活設計における住宅取得の位置づけ,II.金融資産選択行動と生活保障意識)」(生命保険文化センター)〕の個票データの提供を受けました。The data for this secondary analysis, "Survey on Life Planning and Finance/Insurance Vol. 1, 2001 (I. Positioning of Own-house Acquisition in Life Planning; II. Selection of Financial Assets and Attitudes toward Social Security) of the survey, Japan Institute of Life Insurance of the depositor," was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives,Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo. | |||||||||
引用上の注意 | When publishing the results of the secondary analysis of SSJDA dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by citing as follows: The data for this secondary analysis, "Survey on Life Planning and Finance/Insurance Vol. 1, 2001 (I. Positioning of Own-house Acquisition in Life Planning; II. Selection of Financial Assets and Attitudes toward Social Security) of the survey, Japan Institute of Life Insurance of the depositor," was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo.Note: When publishing the results of the analysis of JGSS dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by copying and pasting the citation found in the "Readme" file included with my dataset(s). | |||||||||
関連文献URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=jpn&eid=0263 | |||||||||
関連文献URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=eng&eid=0263 | |||||||||
対象地域 | 埼玉県, 千葉県, 東京都, 神奈川県 aitama, chiba, okyo, kanagawa |
トピック | 消費と消費者行動, 所得、財産、投資・貯蓄 Consumption and consumer behaviour, Income, property and investment/saving |