{"_buckets": {"deposit": "044c902b-ffd6-4ec0-9620-aef21cb28309"}, "_deposit": {"id": "43799", "owners": [1], "pid": {"revision_id": 0, "type": "depid", "value": "43799"}, "status": "published"}, "_oai": {"id": "oai:jdcat.jsps.go.jp:00043799", "sets": ["1613031614318"]}, "author_link": [], "item_1551264308487": {"attribute_name": " タイトル", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255647225": "パートタイム労働者の均衡処遇と経営パフォーマンスに関する調査,2002-2003", "subitem_1551255648112": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255647225": "Survey on Equivalent Treatment of Part-time Workers and Business Performance, 2002-2003", "subitem_1551255648112": "en"}]}, "item_1551264629907": {"attribute_name": "Lisence", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602213569986": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access/condition/", "subitem_1602213570623": "ja"}, {"subitem_1602213569986": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/access/condition/", "subitem_1602213570623": "en"}]}, "item_1551264822581": {"attribute_name": "Topic", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1592472785169": "ビジネス・産業経営と組織", "subitem_1592472785698": "ja", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDATopic", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}, {"subitem_1592472785169": "労働と雇用", "subitem_1592472785698": "ja", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDATopic", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}, {"subitem_1592472785169": "Business/industrial management and organisation", "subitem_1592472785698": "en", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDATopic", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}, {"subitem_1592472785169": "LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT", "subitem_1592472785698": "en", "subitem_1592472786088": "CESSDATopic", "subitem_1592472786560": "https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification"}]}, "item_1551264846237": {"attribute_name": "Desc", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255577890": "近年,非正社員がパートタイマーを中心に急増し,その働き方は補助的な役割から基幹的な役割へと変化している。しかしながら,正社員との処遇格差にはいっこうに縮小する気配がみられない。非正社員が基幹的社員としての性格を強めつつある現実を踏まえると,そうした状況を改善し,正社員と非正社員の均衡処遇を実現するための道筋を考えておく必要がある。\n\n 均衡処遇を考えるにあたっては,処遇を決める人事管理制度と,制度に基づき決定される処遇水準の二つの面をみる必要がある。\n\n こうした観点に基づいて平成14年度(2002年度)から,(1)人事管理の全ての領域において正社員と非正社員の制度的な均衡が,また,その結果としての報酬水準の均衡がどのような状況にあるのか,(2)「制度の均衡」と「報酬水準の均衡」からなる均衡処遇が経営パフォーマンスにどのような影響を及ぼしているのかを明らかにすることを目的として調査研究を行っている。\n\n 平成14年度は小売業・卸売業,サービス業等を対象に調査を行い,人事管理の「制度の均衡」と「報酬水準の均衡」の特徴と,それらの均衡と経営パフォーマンスとの構造的な関連性について明らかにした。その成果を踏まえて平成15年度(2003年度)の調査研究では,(1)調査対象を全産業に拡張し,上記の二つの研究目的をあらためて明らかにする,(2)さらに均衡処遇の経営パフォーマンスに与える影響が非正社員のタイプや業種等によって異なるので,その特徴を明らかにする,という二つのねらいを新たに追加している。\n\n 平成14年度調査と平成15年度調査とはほぼ同じ質問項目であり,15年度は14年度の対象業種以外の業種に対して調査し,集計・分析は両年度を合わせて全業種版として行っている。\n なお、ここに収録のデータセットは平成14年度調査のデータおよび平成15年度調査のデータのほか、平成14年度調査と15年度調査を合わせた全業種版のデータである。", "subitem_1551255592625": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255577890": "In recent years, the number of non-regular employees has increased rapidly, driven primarily by larger volumes of part-time workers. Furthermore, non-regular employees’ working styles have changed from auxiliary roles to core roles. However, there has been no indication that the disparity in treatment between non-regular and regular employees will narrow. Given the reality that non-regular employees are becoming more like core employees, it is necessary to consider a way to improve this situation to achieve the balanced treatment of regular and non-regular employees.\n\nWhen considering balanced treatment, it is necessary to examine two aspects: a personnel management system that determines treatment and the treatment level that is determined based on that system.\n\nBased on this perspective, a survey was conducted in 2002 (Heisei 14) to (1) clarify the status of the institutional balance between regular and non-regular employees in all areas of personnel management, and the resulting balance in compensation, and (2) clarify how balanced treatment derived from \"equilibrium” within the system and regarding compensation affects management performance.\n\nIn 2002, a survey of retailers, wholesalers, service industries, etc., was conducted to clarify the relationships between the characteristics of \"system equilibrium\" and \"compensation equilibrium\" in personnel management, as well as the structure of this equilibrium and management performance. Based on the results, in the 2003 (Heisei 15) survey, (1) the research target was expanded to all industries, the above two research objectives were clarified again, and (2) two new objectives were added to clarify these characteristics, as the impact of balanced treatment on management performance differs depending on the type of non-regular employee and the industry type.\n\nThe 2002 (Heisei 14) survey and the 2003 (Heisei 15) survey contained almost the same question items. The 2003 survey targeted industries other than those targeted by the 2002 survey, and data for all industries from both years were summarized and analyzed.\n\nThe data set recorded herein consists of the data from the 2002 survey and the data from the 2003 survey, as well as the data for all industries, including the 2002 and 2003 surveys.", "subitem_1551255592625": "en"}]}, "item_1551264917614": {"attribute_name": "publisher", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255702686": "SSJデータアーカイブ", "subitem_1551255710277": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255702686": "SSJDA", "subitem_1551255710277": "en"}]}, "item_1551265002099": {"attribute_name": "Lang", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255818386": "jpn"}]}, "item_1551265075370": {"attribute_name": "Version", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591254914934": "1", "subitem_1591254915406": "ja", "subitem_1591254915862": "2006-04-05"}]}, "item_1570068313185": {"attribute_name": "Geo", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586419454219": "日本", "subitem_1586419462229": "ja"}, {"subitem_1586419454219": "Japan", "subitem_1586419462229": "en"}]}, "item_1586157591881": {"attribute_name": "Study ID", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586156939407": "0415", "subitem_1586311767281": "ja", "subitem_1591256665864": "SSJデータアーカイブ"}, {"subitem_1586156939407": "10.34500/SSJDA.0415", "subitem_1586311767281": "ja", "subitem_1591256665864": "DOI"}, {"subitem_1586156939407": "0415", "subitem_1586311767281": "en", "subitem_1591256665864": "SSJDA"}]}, "item_1586253152753": {"attribute_name": "Date of C", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602144573160": "2002-10", "subitem_1602144578572": "ja", "subitem_1602144587621": "start"}, {"subitem_1602144573160": "2003-10", "subitem_1602144578572": "ja", "subitem_1602144587621": "end"}]}, "item_1586253224033": {"attribute_name": "UoA", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596608607860": "組織", "subitem_1596608609366": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596608607860": "Organization", "subitem_1596608609366": "en"}]}, "item_1586253249552": {"attribute_name": "Universe", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596608974429": "[平成14年度調査] 帝国データバンクの企業データベースに収録されている企業のうち,卸売業,小売業,飲食店,サービス業の従業員規模101人以上の企業\n[平成15年度調査] 帝国データバンクの企業データベースに収録されている企業のうち,平成14年度調査対象業種以外の全産業(除く農業,林業,漁業,公務および郵便業)の従業員規模101人以上の企業", "subitem_1596608975087": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596608974429": "[2002 survey] Companies with 101 or more employees in the wholesale, retail, restaurant, and service industries among the companies recorded in the Teikoku Databank corporate database.\n[2003 survey] Companies recorded in the Teikoku Databank corporate database with 101 or more employees in all industries (excluding agriculture, forestry, fisheries, public affairs, and postal services) other than those companies surveyed in the 2002 survey.", "subitem_1596608975087": "en"}]}, "item_1586253589529": {"attribute_name": "Sampling R", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596609826487": "サンプル数 有効回収数 有効回収率\n[平成14年度調査] 5,000社 1,319社 26.4%\n[平成15年度調査] 5,000社 909社 18.2%", "subitem_1596609827068": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596609826487": "\n\n\nSample size\nNumber of valid responses\nValid response rate\n\n\n[2002 survey]\n5,000 companies\n1,319 companies\n26.4%\n\n\n[2003 survey]\n5,000 companies\n909 companies\n18.2%\n", "subitem_1596609827068": "en"}]}, "item_1588260046718": {"attribute_name": "Data K", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591178807921": "量的調査: ミクロデータ", "subitem_1591178808409": "ja", "subitem_1592380784883": "Other"}, {"subitem_1591178807921": "quantitative research: micro data", "subitem_1591178808409": "en", "subitem_1592380784883": "Other"}]}, "item_1588260178185": {"attribute_name": "Access_e", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1522650717957": "ja", "subitem_1522650727486": "制約付きアクセス"}, {"subitem_1522650717957": "en", "subitem_1522650727486": "restricted access"}]}, "item_1592405734122": {"attribute_name": "Distributor", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591320889728": "SSJDA", "subitem_1591320890384": "Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo", "subitem_1591320914113": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ssjda/", "subitem_1591320918354": "Distributor", "subitem_1592369405220": "SSJ データアーカイブ", "subitem_1592369407829": "ja"}, {"subitem_1591320889728": "SSJDA", "subitem_1591320890384": "Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo", "subitem_1591320914113": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/ssjda/", "subitem_1591320918354": "Distributor", "subitem_1592369405220": "SSJDA", "subitem_1592369407829": "en"}]}, "item_1592405735401": {"attribute_name": "Related P", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602214559588": "ja", "subitem_1602214560358": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=jpn\u0026eid=0415"}, {"subitem_1602214559588": "en", "subitem_1602214560358": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=eng\u0026eid=0415"}]}, "item_1592880868902": {"attribute_name": "Bib", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586228465211": "〔二次分析〕に当たり、東京大学社会科学研究所附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センターSSJデータアーカイブから〔「パートタイム労働者の均衡処遇と経営パフォーマンスに関する調査,2002-2003」(21世紀職業財団)〕の個票データの提供を受けました。The data for this secondary analysis, \"Survey on Equivalent Treatment of Part-time Workers and Business Performance, 2002-2003 of the survey, Japan Institute of Workers\u0027 Evolution of the depositor,\" was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives,Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo.", "subitem_1586228490356": "ja"}, {"subitem_1586228465211": "When publishing the results of the secondary analysis of SSJDA dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by citing as follows: The data for this secondary analysis, \"Survey on Equivalent Treatment of Part-time Workers and Business Performance, 2002-2003 of the survey, Japan Institute of Workers\u0027 Evolution of the depositor,\" was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo.Note: When publishing the results of the analysis of JGSS dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by copying and pasting the citation found in the \"Readme\" file included with my dataset(s).", "subitem_1586228490356": "en"}]}, "item_1593074267803": {"attribute_name": "Author", "attribute_type": "creator", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"creatorNames": [{"creatorName": "21世紀職業財団", "creatorNameLang": "ja"}, {"creatorName": "Japan Institute of Workers\u0027 Evolution", "creatorNameLang": "en"}]}]}, "item_1600078832557": {"attribute_name": "ファイル情報", "attribute_type": "file", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"accessrole": "open_access", "download_preview_message": "", "file_order": 0, "filename": "", "future_date_message": "", "is_thumbnail": false, "mimetype": "", "size": 0, "url": {"label": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?eid=0415"}, "version_id": ""}, {"accessrole": "open_access", "download_preview_message": "", "file_order": 1, 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Item type | Harvesting DDI(1) | |||||||||
公開日 | 2024-10-18 | |||||||||
タイトル | ||||||||||
タイトル | パートタイム労働者の均衡処遇と経営パフォーマンスに関する調査,2002-2003 Survey on Equivalent Treatment of Part-time Workers and Business Performance, 2002-2003 |
作成者 |
× 21世紀職業財団
配布者 | SSJ データアーカイブ | |||||||||
配布者URI | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ssjda/ | |||||||||
配布者 | SSJDA | |||||||||
配布者URI | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/ssjda/ | |||||||||
編集者 | SSJデータアーカイブ SSJDA |
所蔵者・寄託者 | 21世紀職業財団 Japan Institute of Workers' Evolution |
URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?eid=0415 | |||||||||
URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?lang=eng&eid=0415 | |||||||||
アクセス権 | 制約付きアクセス restricted access |
権利情報 | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access/condition/ | |||||||||
権利情報 | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/access/condition/ | |||||||||
概要 | 近年,非正社員がパートタイマーを中心に急増し,その働き方は補助的な役割から基幹的な役割へと変化している。しかしながら,正社員との処遇格差にはいっこうに縮小する気配がみられない。非正社員が基幹的社員としての性格を強めつつある現実を踏まえると,そうした状況を改善し,正社員と非正社員の均衡処遇を実現するための道筋を考えておく必要がある。 均衡処遇を考えるにあたっては,処遇を決める人事管理制度と,制度に基づき決定される処遇水準の二つの面をみる必要がある。 こうした観点に基づいて平成14年度(2002年度)から,(1)人事管理の全ての領域において正社員と非正社員の制度的な均衡が,また,その結果としての報酬水準の均衡がどのような状況にあるのか,(2)「制度の均衡」と「報酬水準の均衡」からなる均衡処遇が経営パフォーマンスにどのような影響を及ぼしているのかを明らかにすることを目的として調査研究を行っている。 平成14年度は小売業・卸売業,サービス業等を対象に調査を行い,人事管理の「制度の均衡」と「報酬水準の均衡」の特徴と,それらの均衡と経営パフォーマンスとの構造的な関連性について明らかにした。その成果を踏まえて平成15年度(2003年度)の調査研究では,(1)調査対象を全産業に拡張し,上記の二つの研究目的をあらためて明らかにする,(2)さらに均衡処遇の経営パフォーマンスに与える影響が非正社員のタイプや業種等によって異なるので,その特徴を明らかにする,という二つのねらいを新たに追加している。 平成14年度調査と平成15年度調査とはほぼ同じ質問項目であり,15年度は14年度の対象業種以外の業種に対して調査し,集計・分析は両年度を合わせて全業種版として行っている。 なお、ここに収録のデータセットは平成14年度調査のデータおよび平成15年度調査のデータのほか、平成14年度調査と15年度調査を合わせた全業種版のデータである。 In recent years, the number of non-regular employees has increased rapidly, driven primarily by larger volumes of part-time workers. Furthermore, non-regular employees’ working styles have changed from auxiliary roles to core roles. However, there has been no indication that the disparity in treatment between non-regular and regular employees will narrow. Given the reality that non-regular employees are becoming more like core employees, it is necessary to consider a way to improve this situation to achieve the balanced treatment of regular and non-regular employees. When considering balanced treatment, it is necessary to examine two aspects: a personnel management system that determines treatment and the treatment level that is determined based on that system. Based on this perspective, a survey was conducted in 2002 (Heisei 14) to (1) clarify the status of the institutional balance between regular and non-regular employees in all areas of personnel management, and the resulting balance in compensation, and (2) clarify how balanced treatment derived from "equilibrium” within the system and regarding compensation affects management performance. In 2002, a survey of retailers, wholesalers, service industries, etc., was conducted to clarify the relationships between the characteristics of "system equilibrium" and "compensation equilibrium" in personnel management, as well as the structure of this equilibrium and management performance. Based on the results, in the 2003 (Heisei 15) survey, (1) the research target was expanded to all industries, the above two research objectives were clarified again, and (2) two new objectives were added to clarify these characteristics, as the impact of balanced treatment on management performance differs depending on the type of non-regular employee and the industry type. The 2002 (Heisei 14) survey and the 2003 (Heisei 15) survey contained almost the same question items. The 2003 survey targeted industries other than those targeted by the 2002 survey, and data for all industries from both years were summarized and analyzed. The data set recorded herein consists of the data from the 2002 survey and the data from the 2003 survey, as well as the data for all industries, including the 2002 and 2003 surveys. |
対象時期 | 2002 - 2003 | |||||||||
調査日 | 2002/10 - 2003/10 | |||||||||
母集団 | [平成14年度調査] 帝国データバンクの企業データベースに収録されている企業のうち,卸売業,小売業,飲食店,サービス業の従業員規模101人以上の企業 [平成15年度調査] 帝国データバンクの企業データベースに収録されている企業のうち,平成14年度調査対象業種以外の全産業(除く農業,林業,漁業,公務および郵便業)の従業員規模101人以上の企業 [2002 survey] Companies with 101 or more employees in the wholesale, retail, restaurant, and service industries among the companies recorded in the Teikoku Databank corporate database. [2003 survey] Companies recorded in the Teikoku Databank corporate database with 101 or more employees in all industries (excluding agriculture, forestry, fisheries, public affairs, and postal services) other than those companies surveyed in the 2002 survey. |
観察単位 | 組織 Organization |
回収率 | サンプル数 有効回収数 有効回収率 [平成14年度調査] 5,000社 1,319社 26.4% [平成15年度調査] 5,000社 909社 18.2% Sample size Number of valid responses Valid response rate [2002 survey] 5,000 companies 1,319 companies 26.4% [2003 survey] 5,000 companies 909 companies 18.2% |
データタイプ | 量的調査: ミクロデータ quantitative research: micro data |
データの言語 | jpn | |||||||||
バージョン情報 | 1 | |||||||||
バージョン情報更新日 | 2006-04-05 | |||||||||
整理番号 | 0415 | |||||||||
ID付与機関 | SSJデータアーカイブ | |||||||||
整理番号 | 10.34500/SSJDA.0415 | |||||||||
ID付与機関 | DOI | |||||||||
整理番号 | 0415 | |||||||||
ID付与機関 | SSJDA | |||||||||
引用上の注意 | 〔二次分析〕に当たり、東京大学社会科学研究所附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センターSSJデータアーカイブから〔「パートタイム労働者の均衡処遇と経営パフォーマンスに関する調査,2002-2003」(21世紀職業財団)〕の個票データの提供を受けました。The data for this secondary analysis, "Survey on Equivalent Treatment of Part-time Workers and Business Performance, 2002-2003 of the survey, Japan Institute of Workers' Evolution of the depositor," was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives,Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo. | |||||||||
引用上の注意 | When publishing the results of the secondary analysis of SSJDA dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by citing as follows: The data for this secondary analysis, "Survey on Equivalent Treatment of Part-time Workers and Business Performance, 2002-2003 of the survey, Japan Institute of Workers' Evolution of the depositor," was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo.Note: When publishing the results of the analysis of JGSS dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by copying and pasting the citation found in the "Readme" file included with my dataset(s). | |||||||||
関連文献URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=jpn&eid=0415 | |||||||||
関連文献URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=eng&eid=0415 | |||||||||
研究助成機関 | 厚生労働省 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare |
対象地域 | 日本 Japan |
トピック | ビジネス・産業経営と組織, 労働と雇用 Business/industrial management and organisation, LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT |