{"_buckets": {"deposit": "012f20dd-ff84-4277-b305-2f13a5086caf"}, "_deposit": {"id": "43805", "owners": [1], "pid": {"revision_id": 0, "type": "depid", "value": "43805"}, "status": "published"}, "_oai": {"id": "oai:jdcat.jsps.go.jp:00043805", "sets": ["1613031614318"]}, "author_link": [], "item_1551264308487": {"attribute_name": " タイトル", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255647225": "インターンシップの実態に関するアンケート,2004", "subitem_1551255648112": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255647225": "Questionnaire on the Actualities of Internship, 2004", "subitem_1551255648112": "en"}]}, "item_1551264629907": {"attribute_name": "Lisence", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602213569986": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access/condition/", "subitem_1602213570623": "ja"}, {"subitem_1602213569986": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/access/condition/", "subitem_1602213570623": "en"}]}, "item_1551264846237": {"attribute_name": "Desc", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255577890": "この調査は,厚生労働省職業安定局若年者雇用対策室を事務局として2004年度に開催された「インターンシップ推進のための調査研究委員会」(座長・佐藤博樹)において実施されたものである。\n 研究会の報告書(http://www.mhlw.go.jp/houdou/2005/03/h0318-1.html)は2005年3月にとりまとめられている。\n ここに収録するデータは,同委員会に委員及び専門委員として参加した佐藤博樹・堀有喜衣・堀田聰子の責任において調査データを精査したうえで再集計したものであり,上記報告書の集計結果とは一部異なる場合がある。\n\n 研究委員会における調査目的は次のとおりである。\n インターンシップの普及に伴い,その内容,目的等の多様化が進展し,関係者の認識に相違が生じ,結果として,所期の目的を達成する支障となるほか,トラブル発生等の問題点も指摘されている。このため,インターンシップ実施の実態,企業,学生等の評価,課題等について把握・分析するため,総合的な実態調査を実施したもので,インターンシップのより効果的な実施・普及のための基本的な方向性,関係者に求められる役割等について検討を施したものである。\n\n 再集計にあたっては,東京大学社会科学研究所人材ビジネス研究寄付研究部門の2006年度の研究プロジェクトとして「大学文系インターンシップの活性化に関する研究」を設置し,先行研究をレビューするとともに,上記の調査データを詳細に分析している。(この単純集計結果は,2006年10月より東京大学社会科学研究所人材ビジネス研究寄付研究部門のホームページ(http://web.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/jinzai/)に掲載されている。)\n それによると,とりわけ受け入れ側の企業は職場の指導担当者の確保に苦労しており,そのことがインターンシップの受入枠拡大のネックとなっている。そこで,インターンシップを拡大・定着化していくためには,参加する学生だけでなく,受入企業や指導担当者にとっても有益な仕組みとすることが重要と考え,そのため,本研究では,受入企業や指導担当者にとってのインターンシップ受入のメリットや,有益なインターンシップの検討にかなりの比重を割いている。そして,インターンシップは,参加する学生のキャリア教育としてだけでなく,受入企業の社員教育としても活用できることを明らかにしている。\n\n 調査は,送り出し側の大学,インターンシップに参加した学生,受け入れ側の企業,さらに職場の指導担当者の4者に対するアンケートとなっている。なお,再集計の際に企業調査と受入担当者調査をマージしたデータも寄託されている。", "subitem_1551255592625": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255577890": "This survey was conducted by the “survey study group for the promotion of internships” (chairperson: Hiroki Sato), convened in 2004 at the offices of the Employment Measures for the Youth Office, Employment Security Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The study group report (http://www.mhlw.go.jp/houdou/2005/03/h0318-1.html) was assembled in March 2005.\n\nHiroki Sato, Yukie Hori, and Satoko Hotta, who participated in the study group as members and expert advisors, were responsible for carefully examining the survey data. After re-summarizing the results, they found some differences from results originally summarized in the above report.\n\nThe purpose of the survey by the study group was as follows.\n\nIt has been pointed out that as internships have become more commonplace, their purposes, content, etc. have become more diverse, resulting in differences in perceptions among the parties involved. This has resulted in obstacles to achieving goals as well as various other problems. Hence, to assess and analyze the actual situation of internships, the companies involved, the opinions of students, and other issues, a comprehensive fact-finding survey was conducted, exploring the basic direction and roles the parties involved should play for internships to be more effectively implemented and promoted.\n\nThe re-counting of results involved the establishment of the “study to stimulate internships for college students in humanities” as a 2006 research project of the Department of Research on the Staffing Industry at Institute of Social Science, the University of Tokyo, which reviewed past research and analyzed the above survey data in detail (the unedited summary has been posted on the homepage of the Department of Research on the Staffing Industry at the Institute of Social Science, the University of Tokyo since October 2006 (http://web.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/jinzai/)) .\n\nAccording to this, companies sponsoring internships are finding it particularly difficult to secure workplace guidance counselors, which is preventing the expansion of internship programs. Thus, it is felt that benefits for sponsor companies and guidance counselors as well as participating students are important to expanding and sustaining internships. Therefore, in this study, considerable emphasis is placed upon the benefits of sponsoring internships for sponsor companies and guidance counselors and an examination of beneficial internships, making it clear that internships are useful not only as career training for participating students but as employee training for sponsor companies.\n\nThis survey was administered to four groups: home universities, students participated in internships, companies sponsoring internships, and workplace guidance counselors. Furthermore, data merging a company survey and intern manager survey were included when re-counting data.", "subitem_1551255592625": "en"}]}, "item_1551264917614": {"attribute_name": "publisher", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255702686": "SSJデータアーカイブ", "subitem_1551255710277": "ja"}, {"subitem_1551255702686": "SSJDA", "subitem_1551255710277": "en"}]}, "item_1551265002099": {"attribute_name": "Lang", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255818386": "jpn"}]}, "item_1551265075370": {"attribute_name": "Version", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591254914934": "1", "subitem_1591254915406": "ja", "subitem_1591254915862": "2007-06-27"}, {"subitem_1591254914934": "Registration: 2007/06/27", "subitem_1591254915406": "en", "subitem_1591254915862": "2007-06-27"}]}, "item_1570068313185": {"attribute_name": "Geo", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586419454219": "日本", "subitem_1586419462229": "ja"}, {"subitem_1586419454219": "Japan", "subitem_1586419462229": "en"}]}, "item_1586157591881": {"attribute_name": "Study ID", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586156939407": "0525", "subitem_1586311767281": "ja", "subitem_1591256665864": "SSJデータアーカイブ"}, {"subitem_1586156939407": "10.34500/SSJDA.0525", "subitem_1586311767281": "ja", "subitem_1591256665864": "DOI"}, {"subitem_1586156939407": "0525", "subitem_1586311767281": "en", "subitem_1591256665864": "SSJDA"}]}, "item_1586253152753": {"attribute_name": "Date of C", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602144573160": "2004-10-15", "subitem_1602144578572": "ja", "subitem_1602144587621": "start"}, {"subitem_1602144573160": "2004-11-15", "subitem_1602144578572": "ja", "subitem_1602144587621": "end"}]}, "item_1586253224033": {"attribute_name": "UoA", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596608607860": "個人", "subitem_1596608609366": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596608607860": "組織", "subitem_1596608609366": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596608607860": "Individual", "subitem_1596608609366": "en"}, {"subitem_1596608607860": "Organization", "subitem_1596608609366": "en"}]}, "item_1586253249552": {"attribute_name": "Universe", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596608974429": "[大学調査] インターンシップを実施している全国の国公私立大学\n[学生調査] インターンシップ参加学生(学部生)\n[企業調査] インターンシップ実施企業\n[受入担当者調査] インターンシップ実施企業の受入担当者", "subitem_1596608975087": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596608974429": "[University survey] National, public, and private universities across Japan with internship programs\n[Student survey] (Undergraduate) students participating in internships\n[Company survey] Companies sponsoring internships\n[Intern manager survey] People in charge of accepting interns at companies sponsoring internships", "subitem_1596608975087": "en"}]}, "item_1586253589529": {"attribute_name": "Sampling R", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1596609826487": "回収数 回収率\n[大学調査] 40大学 80.0%(40/50)\n[学生調査]\n 1)郵送調査 … 594人 39.6%*(594/1,500)\n 2)Web調査 … 308人\n *全調査対象大学が全ての調査票を学生に渡した場合の回収率。\n[企業調査] 1,210社 48.7%(1,210/2,486**)\n **宛先不明による返却が14件あったため,実質配布数は2,486件。\n[受入担当者調査] 1,406人 28.3%***(1,406/4,972****)\n ***全調査対象企業が全ての調査票を受入担当者に渡した場合の回収率。\n ****宛先不明が14件あったため,最大配布数は4,972件。", "subitem_1596609827068": "ja"}, {"subitem_1596609826487": "\n\n\nNumber of responses\nResponse rate\n\n\n[University survey]\n40 universities\n80.0% (40/50)\n\n\n[Student survey]\n\n\n\n\n(1) Mail survey\n594 people\n39.6%* (594/1,500)\n\n\n(2) Internet survey\n308 people\n\n\n\n[Company survey]\n1,210 companies\n48.7% (1,210/2,486**)\n\n\n[Intern manager survey]\n1,406 people\n28.3%*** (1,406/4,972****)\n\n\n\n*Response rate is for all questionnaires distributed to students by all universities surveyed.\n**14 surveys returned for unknown address, so 2,486 surveys were actually distributed.\n*** Response rate is for all questionnaires distributed to intern managers by all companies surveyed.\n**** 14 surveys with unknown address, so the largest number distributed is 4,972.", "subitem_1596609827068": "en"}]}, "item_1588260046718": {"attribute_name": "Data K", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591178807921": "量的調査: ミクロデータ", "subitem_1591178808409": "ja", "subitem_1592380784883": "Other"}, {"subitem_1591178807921": "quantitative research: micro data", "subitem_1591178808409": "en", "subitem_1592380784883": "Other"}]}, "item_1588260178185": {"attribute_name": "Access_e", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1522650717957": "ja", "subitem_1522650727486": "制約付きアクセス"}, {"subitem_1522650717957": "en", "subitem_1522650727486": "restricted access"}]}, "item_1592405734122": {"attribute_name": "Distributor", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1591320889728": "SSJDA", "subitem_1591320890384": "Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo", "subitem_1591320914113": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ssjda/", "subitem_1591320918354": "Distributor", "subitem_1592369405220": "SSJ データアーカイブ", "subitem_1592369407829": "ja"}, {"subitem_1591320889728": "SSJDA", "subitem_1591320890384": "Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo", "subitem_1591320914113": "https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/ssjda/", "subitem_1591320918354": "Distributor", "subitem_1592369405220": "SSJDA", "subitem_1592369407829": "en"}]}, "item_1592405735401": {"attribute_name": "Related P", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1602214559588": "ja", "subitem_1602214560358": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=jpn\u0026eid=0525"}, {"subitem_1602214559588": "en", "subitem_1602214560358": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=eng\u0026eid=0525"}]}, "item_1592880868902": {"attribute_name": "Bib", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1586228465211": "〔二次分析〕に当たり、東京大学社会科学研究所附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センターSSJデータアーカイブから〔「インターンシップの実態に関するアンケート,2004」(佐藤博樹)〕の個票データの提供を受けました。The data for this secondary analysis, \"Questionnaire on the Actualities of Internship, 2004 of the survey, Hiroki Sato of the depositor,\" was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives,Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo.", "subitem_1586228490356": "ja"}, {"subitem_1586228465211": "When publishing the results of the secondary analysis of SSJDA dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by citing as follows: The data for this secondary analysis, \"Questionnaire on the Actualities of Internship, 2004 of the survey, Hiroki Sato of the depositor,\" was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo.Note: When publishing the results of the analysis of JGSS dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by copying and pasting the citation found in the \"Readme\" file included with my dataset(s).", "subitem_1586228490356": "en"}]}, "item_1593074267803": {"attribute_name": "Author", "attribute_type": "creator", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"creatorNames": [{"creatorName": "調査実施主体:インターンシップ推進のための調査研究委員会(座長・佐藤博樹)", "creatorNameLang": "ja"}, {"creatorName": "Survey sponsor: Survey study group for the promotion of internships (chairperson: Hiroki Sato)", "creatorNameLang": "en"}]}, {"creatorNames": [{"creatorName": "調査実施機関:(株)UFJ総合研究所", "creatorNameLang": "ja"}, {"creatorName": "Survey carried out by UFJ Research Institute", "creatorNameLang": "en"}]}, {"creatorNames": [{"creatorName": "再集計:佐藤博樹・堀 有喜衣・堀田聰子", "creatorNameLang": "ja"}, {"creatorName": "Recount: Hiroki Sato/Yukie Hori/Satoko Hotta", "creatorNameLang": "en"}]}]}, "item_1600078832557": {"attribute_name": "ファイル情報", "attribute_type": "file", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"accessrole": "open_access", "download_preview_message": "", "file_order": 0, "filename": "", "future_date_message": "", "is_thumbnail": false, "mimetype": "", "size": 0, "url": {"label": "https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?eid=0525"}, "version_id": ""}, {"accessrole": "open_access", "download_preview_message": "", "file_order": 1, "filename": "", "future_date_message": "", "is_thumbnail": false, "mimetype": "", "size": 0, "url": 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[{"subitem_1602143328410": "佐藤博樹", "subitem_1602143330068": "ja"}, {"subitem_1602143328410": "Hiroki Sato", "subitem_1602143330068": "en"}]}, "item_title": "Questionnaire on the Actualities of Internship, 2004", "item_type_id": "20", "owner": "1", "path": ["1613031614318"], "permalink_uri": "https://jdcat.jsps.go.jp/records/43805", "pubdate": {"attribute_name": "PubDate", "attribute_value": "2024-10-18"}, "publish_date": "2024-10-18", "publish_status": "0", "recid": "43805", "relation": {}, "relation_version_is_last": true, "resourcetype": {"attribute_name": "ResourceType", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"resourcetype": "dataset", "resourceuri": "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_ddb1"}]}, "title": ["Questionnaire on the Actualities of Internship, 2004"], "weko_shared_id": -1}
Item type | Harvesting DDI(1) | |||||||||||||||||
公開日 | 2024-10-18 | |||||||||||||||||
タイトル | ||||||||||||||||||
タイトル | インターンシップの実態に関するアンケート,2004 Questionnaire on the Actualities of Internship, 2004 |
作成者 |
× 調査実施主体:インターンシップ推進のための調査研究委員会(座長・佐藤博樹)
× 調査実施機関:(株)UFJ総合研究所
× 再集計:佐藤博樹・堀 有喜衣・堀田聰子
配布者 | SSJ データアーカイブ | |||||||||||||||||
配布者URI | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ssjda/ | |||||||||||||||||
配布者 | SSJDA | |||||||||||||||||
配布者URI | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/ssjda/ | |||||||||||||||||
編集者 | SSJデータアーカイブ SSJDA |
所蔵者・寄託者 | 佐藤博樹 Hiroki Sato |
URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?eid=0525 | |||||||||||||||||
URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/gaiyo.php?lang=eng&eid=0525 | |||||||||||||||||
アクセス権 | 制約付きアクセス restricted access |
権利情報 | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access/condition/ | |||||||||||||||||
権利情報 | https://csrda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/access/condition/ | |||||||||||||||||
概要 | この調査は,厚生労働省職業安定局若年者雇用対策室を事務局として2004年度に開催された「インターンシップ推進のための調査研究委員会」(座長・佐藤博樹)において実施されたものである。 研究会の報告書(http://www.mhlw.go.jp/houdou/2005/03/h0318-1.html)は2005年3月にとりまとめられている。 ここに収録するデータは,同委員会に委員及び専門委員として参加した佐藤博樹・堀有喜衣・堀田聰子の責任において調査データを精査したうえで再集計したものであり,上記報告書の集計結果とは一部異なる場合がある。 研究委員会における調査目的は次のとおりである。 インターンシップの普及に伴い,その内容,目的等の多様化が進展し,関係者の認識に相違が生じ,結果として,所期の目的を達成する支障となるほか,トラブル発生等の問題点も指摘されている。このため,インターンシップ実施の実態,企業,学生等の評価,課題等について把握・分析するため,総合的な実態調査を実施したもので,インターンシップのより効果的な実施・普及のための基本的な方向性,関係者に求められる役割等について検討を施したものである。 再集計にあたっては,東京大学社会科学研究所人材ビジネス研究寄付研究部門の2006年度の研究プロジェクトとして「大学文系インターンシップの活性化に関する研究」を設置し,先行研究をレビューするとともに,上記の調査データを詳細に分析している。(この単純集計結果は,2006年10月より東京大学社会科学研究所人材ビジネス研究寄付研究部門のホームページ(http://web.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/jinzai/)に掲載されている。) それによると,とりわけ受け入れ側の企業は職場の指導担当者の確保に苦労しており,そのことがインターンシップの受入枠拡大のネックとなっている。そこで,インターンシップを拡大・定着化していくためには,参加する学生だけでなく,受入企業や指導担当者にとっても有益な仕組みとすることが重要と考え,そのため,本研究では,受入企業や指導担当者にとってのインターンシップ受入のメリットや,有益なインターンシップの検討にかなりの比重を割いている。そして,インターンシップは,参加する学生のキャリア教育としてだけでなく,受入企業の社員教育としても活用できることを明らかにしている。 調査は,送り出し側の大学,インターンシップに参加した学生,受け入れ側の企業,さらに職場の指導担当者の4者に対するアンケートとなっている。なお,再集計の際に企業調査と受入担当者調査をマージしたデータも寄託されている。 This survey was conducted by the “survey study group for the promotion of internships” (chairperson: Hiroki Sato), convened in 2004 at the offices of the Employment Measures for the Youth Office, Employment Security Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The study group report (http://www.mhlw.go.jp/houdou/2005/03/h0318-1.html) was assembled in March 2005. Hiroki Sato, Yukie Hori, and Satoko Hotta, who participated in the study group as members and expert advisors, were responsible for carefully examining the survey data. After re-summarizing the results, they found some differences from results originally summarized in the above report. The purpose of the survey by the study group was as follows. It has been pointed out that as internships have become more commonplace, their purposes, content, etc. have become more diverse, resulting in differences in perceptions among the parties involved. This has resulted in obstacles to achieving goals as well as various other problems. Hence, to assess and analyze the actual situation of internships, the companies involved, the opinions of students, and other issues, a comprehensive fact-finding survey was conducted, exploring the basic direction and roles the parties involved should play for internships to be more effectively implemented and promoted. The re-counting of results involved the establishment of the “study to stimulate internships for college students in humanities” as a 2006 research project of the Department of Research on the Staffing Industry at Institute of Social Science, the University of Tokyo, which reviewed past research and analyzed the above survey data in detail (the unedited summary has been posted on the homepage of the Department of Research on the Staffing Industry at the Institute of Social Science, the University of Tokyo since October 2006 (http://web.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/jinzai/)) . According to this, companies sponsoring internships are finding it particularly difficult to secure workplace guidance counselors, which is preventing the expansion of internship programs. Thus, it is felt that benefits for sponsor companies and guidance counselors as well as participating students are important to expanding and sustaining internships. Therefore, in this study, considerable emphasis is placed upon the benefits of sponsoring internships for sponsor companies and guidance counselors and an examination of beneficial internships, making it clear that internships are useful not only as career training for participating students but as employee training for sponsor companies. This survey was administered to four groups: home universities, students participated in internships, companies sponsoring internships, and workplace guidance counselors. Furthermore, data merging a company survey and intern manager survey were included when re-counting data. |
対象時期 | 2004 - 2004 | |||||||||||||||||
調査日 | 2004/10/15 - 2004/11/15 | |||||||||||||||||
母集団 | [大学調査] インターンシップを実施している全国の国公私立大学 [学生調査] インターンシップ参加学生(学部生) [企業調査] インターンシップ実施企業 [受入担当者調査] インターンシップ実施企業の受入担当者 [University survey] National, public, and private universities across Japan with internship programs [Student survey] (Undergraduate) students participating in internships [Company survey] Companies sponsoring internships [Intern manager survey] People in charge of accepting interns at companies sponsoring internships |
観察単位 | 個人, 組織 Individual, Organization |
回収率 | 回収数 回収率 [大学調査] 40大学 80.0%(40/50) [学生調査] 1)郵送調査 … 594人 39.6%*(594/1,500) 2)Web調査 … 308人 *全調査対象大学が全ての調査票を学生に渡した場合の回収率。 [企業調査] 1,210社 48.7%(1,210/2,486**) **宛先不明による返却が14件あったため,実質配布数は2,486件。 [受入担当者調査] 1,406人 28.3%***(1,406/4,972****) ***全調査対象企業が全ての調査票を受入担当者に渡した場合の回収率。 ****宛先不明が14件あったため,最大配布数は4,972件。 Number of responses Response rate [University survey] 40 universities 80.0% (40/50) [Student survey] (1) Mail survey 594 people 39.6%* (594/1,500) (2) Internet survey 308 people [Company survey] 1,210 companies 48.7% (1,210/2,486**) [Intern manager survey] 1,406 people 28.3%*** (1,406/4,972****) *Response rate is for all questionnaires distributed to students by all universities surveyed. **14 surveys returned for unknown address, so 2,486 surveys were actually distributed. *** Response rate is for all questionnaires distributed to intern managers by all companies surveyed. **** 14 surveys with unknown address, so the largest number distributed is 4,972. |
データタイプ | 量的調査: ミクロデータ quantitative research: micro data |
データの言語 | jpn | |||||||||||||||||
バージョン情報 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||
バージョン情報更新日 | 2007-06-27 | |||||||||||||||||
バージョン情報 | Registration: 2007/06/27 | |||||||||||||||||
バージョン情報更新日 | 2007-06-27 | |||||||||||||||||
整理番号 | 0525 | |||||||||||||||||
ID付与機関 | SSJデータアーカイブ | |||||||||||||||||
整理番号 | 10.34500/SSJDA.0525 | |||||||||||||||||
ID付与機関 | DOI | |||||||||||||||||
整理番号 | 0525 | |||||||||||||||||
ID付与機関 | SSJDA | |||||||||||||||||
引用上の注意 | 〔二次分析〕に当たり、東京大学社会科学研究所附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センターSSJデータアーカイブから〔「インターンシップの実態に関するアンケート,2004」(佐藤博樹)〕の個票データの提供を受けました。The data for this secondary analysis, "Questionnaire on the Actualities of Internship, 2004 of the survey, Hiroki Sato of the depositor," was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives,Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo. | |||||||||||||||||
引用上の注意 | When publishing the results of the secondary analysis of SSJDA dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by citing as follows: The data for this secondary analysis, "Questionnaire on the Actualities of Internship, 2004 of the survey, Hiroki Sato of the depositor," was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo.Note: When publishing the results of the analysis of JGSS dataset(s), I shall acknowledge the data source by copying and pasting the citation found in the "Readme" file included with my dataset(s). | |||||||||||||||||
関連文献URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=jpn&eid=0525 | |||||||||||||||||
関連文献URI | https://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Direct/resultsearch.php?lang=eng&eid=0525 | |||||||||||||||||
研究助成機関 | 厚生労働省職業安定局 Employment Security Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare |
対象地域 | 日本 Japan |